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Technology Beyond Performances.

Curious why a steel ball doesn't bounce? Could you believe we can make a Titanium sphere bounce? Welcome to the crossing of advanced engineering and sports!  

Metamaterials offer properties beyond imagination, and AMbelievable™ is bringing this revolutionary technology to tennis! Our innovative dampeners, powered by metamaterials, absorb vibration like nothing before, giving you unmatched control and feel on every shot. 

Check out the data behind our dampener's performance and see why it's changing the game!

The Metamaterials' Technology

One material, multiple functionalities. 

3D printing allows us to finely control material architecture, a complex interplay of topology, material distribution, and constituent material behavior. That's a powerful way to create products with tailored and unprecedented properties. AMbelievable™  is a pioneer in this field, and our 3D-printed tennis racket dampener is a sharp example of this powerful approach.

The starting point for material science is generally atoms and molecules. Metamaterials, however, take these building blocks a step further on the dimensional scale (“meta” in ancient Greek means “beyond”). A Metamaterial is created by geometrically architecting any conventional material into a “meta” cell and then arranging it in the three spatial dimensions.

The idea of engineered materials and structures that outperform those that currently exist has, until recently, been available solely in the realm of fiction. Today, advances in computer-aided design (CAD), simulation, and manufacturing allow engineers to make these structures a reality.

This approach allows a single material to outperform its usual properties; more interestingly, by modifying the elementary cells arrangement and shape, those properties can vary inside a single structure –bringing engineering to a whole new level. Metamaterials have demonstrated to enhance optical, acoustic, thermal, and mechanical properties in ways that conventional materials cannot achieve. Lately, 3D printing's design freedom is unleashing the full potential of this approach. 

AMbelievable™ is pioneering the ongoing shift towards a materials-by-design (or architected materials) approach, delivering a unique playing experienceunparalleled vibrations control and full personalisation potential. The revolution of tennis vibration dampener has started!

Endless custom configurations

Our mission is to deliver you with the best tennis experience. Combining your racket brand and model, the string types and their tensioning, and even your playing style creates an endless combination of possible vibration spectra. We produce the AMbelievable™ Tennis Dampener leveraging 3D printing technology's flexibility to cover them all!

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As prominent scientific studies have confirmed, the optimal tennis dampener must be engineered for the racket and string set-up in which it will be used. Our designers considered the modal structure of the racket system as a whole, obtaining a significant mode shifting of the vibration spectra. More importantly, the material-by-design approach makes it possible to adapt the dampener to your specific needs and equipment, while Additive Manufacturing allows us to produce it on-demand seamlessly. We are already delivering one of the best, if not the best, universal dampeners on the market. Soon, we will be able to personalize it, providing a 100% tailored device that will gift players with an unprecedented tennis experience.

Feel The Hit®

Feeling the racket is critical to controlling your shots. That's why some players don't like using a dampener –they prefer to bear the vibrations rather than lose feeling on the hit. The AMbelievable™ Tennis Racket Dampener is engineered to target selected frequencies only, while it can overall act on a broader vibration spectrum. That's a new approach to vibration dampening and a revolutionary feeling for players. 

In 2019, a group of researchers at Singapore University performed an in-depth study about how vibrations affected tennis players' performances. The study involved several professional players during an exhausting two-day experiment. The experimental setup included precision accelerometers, myographic sensors, computer vision —and, of course, two identical tennis rackets: one equipped with a dampening device, the other without it. The results were quite astonishing. Using the vibration-dampening device increased the overall performance by a stunning 25%. More importantly, the study showed clear evidence that a vibration damper could increase the accuracy of the hits during the fatigue phase and also delay it.